Ponte Vecchio, Florence
Ponte Vecchio, Florence

A Week in Italy

When imagining the perfect vacation in Europe, it's hard for your mind not to wander to Italy. It's no surprise though, as Italy offers countless cities to visit, each featuring their own unique history, culture, and sights to see. What follows is a 7-day itinerary of the "Big Three” Italian cities: Rome, Florence, and Venice.

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Holding the Pyramid
Just because I am doing this does not mean that you should, too.

Bad Travel Clichés

Travel clichés abound everywhere, but some are worse than others. And I’m not talking about cliché places to visit, either. The Eiffel Tower, in all sincerity, is definitely worth a visit. Instead, here’s a list of travel clichés that, in my opinion, have come to the end of their journey.

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