Travel Budget for San Sebastian Visit San Sebastian on a Budget or Travel in Style

San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain

How much does it cost to travel to San Sebastian?

You should plan to spend around $97 (€90) per day on your vacation in San Sebastian. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

Past travelers have spent, on average for one day:

  • $33 (€31) on meals
  • $15 (€14) on local transportation
  • $87 (€81) on hotels

A one week trip to San Sebastian for two people costs, on average, $1,361 (€1,257). This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

All of these average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget.

  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day
  • One Week Per person
  • 2 Weeks Per person
  • One Month Per person
  • One Week For a couple
  • 2 Weeks For a couple
  • One Month For a couple
This data comes from the travel budgets of real travelers - How it works. Put these numbers on your website.

How much does a one week, two week, or one month trip to San Sebastian cost?

A one week trip to San Sebastian usually costs around $681 (€628) for one person and $1,361 (€1,257) for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

A two week trip to San Sebastian on average costs around $1,361 (€1,257) for one person and $2,722 (€2,513) for two people. This cost includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

Please note, prices can vary based on your travel style, speed, and other variables. If you're traveling as a family of three or four people, the price per person often goes down because kid's tickets are cheaper and hotel rooms can be shared. If you travel slower over a longer period of time then your daily budget will also go down. Two people traveling together for one month in San Sebastian will often have a lower daily budget per person than one person traveling alone for one week.

A one month trip to San Sebastian on average costs around $2,917 (€2,693) for one person and $5,834 (€5,385) for two people. The more places you visit, the higher the daily price will become due to increased transportation costs.

Independent Travel

Traveling Independently to San Sebastian has many benefits including affordabilty, freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to control your own experiences.

All of the travel costs below are based on the experiences of other independent travelers.

Is San Sebastian expensive to visit?

Prices in San Sebastian are reasonable and comparable to your average travel destination. Hotels, food, and sightseeing are generally within normal price ranges.

Within Europe, which is known to be an expensive region, San Sebastian is a reasonably affordable destination compared to other places. It is in the top 25% of cities in Europe for its affordability. You can find more affordable cities such as Novi Sad, but there are also more expensive cities, such as Avignon.

For more details, and to find out if it's within your travel budget, see Is San Sebastian Expensive?

How much money do I need for a trip to San Sebastian?

The average San Sebastian trip cost is broken down by category here for independent travelers. All of these San Sebastian travel prices are calculated from the budgets of real travelers.

Category Cost
Accommodation 1 (Double Occupancy) 81 ($87)
Local Transportation 1 14 ($15)
Food 2 31 ($33)
Entertainment 1 33 ($36)
Alcohol 2 10 - 30 ($11 - 32)
Accommodation Budget in San Sebastian
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

The average price paid for one person for accommodation in San Sebastian is $44 (€40). For two people sharing a typical double-occupancy hotel room, the average price paid for a hotel room in San Sebastian is $87 (€81). This cost is from the reported spending of actual travelers.

  • Accommodation1 Hotel or hostel for one person
  • Accommodation1 Typical double-occupancy room

Hotel Prices in San Sebastian

Looking for a hotel in San Sebastian? Prices vary by location, date, season, and the level of luxury. See below for options.

Find the best hotel for your travel style.


Actual Hotel Prices
The average hotel room price in San Sebastian based on data provided by Kayak for actual hotel rooms is $207. (Prices in U.S. Dollars, before taxes & fees.)

Kayak helps you find the best prices for hotels, flights, and rental cars for destinations around the world.

Recommended Properties

Transportation Budget in San Sebastian
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • The cost of a taxi ride in San Sebastian is significantly more than public transportation. On average, past travelers have spent $15 (€14) per person, per day, on local transportation in San Sebastian.

  • Transportation1 Taxis, local buses, subway, etc.

Recommended Services

Flights to San Sebastian
How much does it cost to go to San Sebastian? Naturally, it depends on the dates. We recommend Kayak because they can find the best deals across all airlines.

Rental Cars in San Sebastian
The price of renting a car in San Sebastian will depends on dates, the type of car, the location, and your age. We recommend Kayak because they can find the best deals across all car rental companies.

Food Budget in San Sebastian
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • While meal prices in San Sebastian can vary, the average cost of food in San Sebastian is $33 (€31) per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in San Sebastian should cost around $13 (€12) per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner. The price of food in sit-down restaurants in San Sebastian is often higher than fast food prices or street food prices.

  • Food2 Meals for one day


What did other people spend on Food in San Sebastian?

Typical prices for Food in San Sebastian are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in San Sebastian, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Dinner for 2
  • Lunch for 2
  • Lunch for 2

Entertainment Budget in San Sebastian
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • Entertainment and activities in San Sebastian typically cost an average of $36 (€33) per person, per day based on the spending of previous travelers. This includes fees paid for admission tickets to museums and attractions, day tours, and other sightseeing expenses.

  • Entertainment1 Entrance tickets, shows, etc.

Recommended Activities

What did other people spend on Entertainment in San Sebastian?

Typical prices for Entertainment in San Sebastian are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in San Sebastian, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Valle de los Caídos Monument

Alcohol Budget in San Sebastian
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • The average person spends about $21 (€20) on alcoholic beverages in San Sebastian per day. The more you spend on alcohol, the more fun you might be having despite your higher budget.

  • Alcohol2 Drinks for one day


Water Budget in San Sebastian
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • On average, people spend $1.35 (€1.25) on bottled water in San Sebastian per day. The public water in San Sebastian is considered safe to drink.

  • Water2 Bottled water for one day

San Sebastian On a Budget
San Sebastian San Sebastian, Spain
San Sebastián is a city in northern Spain very well known for its summertime fun in the sun. While the streets are cool and happening at night, they take on a different charm by day. Beautiful beaches line the city's edge, right next to elegant historic architecture and churches, topping charts as some of the best city beaches in Europe. The food, too, is said to be some of the best with traditional Basque cuisine as well as the popular pintxo (tapas) bites. San Sebastián is a place of lively culture, teeming with beauty, flavors, and colors.
Being a coastal city, some of San Sebastián's most beautiful sights are its beaches. La Concha, the city's most popular beach, and Ondarreta, lie in the crescent of the city. Both are nestled upon long stretches of soft sands set against gentle turquoise waters-perfect for a day of sunbathing or swimming. Zurriola Beach is another hot spot popular with the younger crowd, especially for surfing.

Set behind the beaches, the city holds an old world allure of its own, with beautiful architecture and monuments dotted throughout. The heart of San Sebastián is home to many enchanting churches like Buen Pastor Cathedral and historical gems in the old town like the Basilica of Santa Maria, the San Vicente Church, and the Plaza de la Constitucion, an old bullring converted into a public courtyard to relax and absorb the atmosphere.

Yet still, behind the city and the beaches, San Sebastián is surrounded by the grand presence of nearby mountains. They stand as a colossal backdrop to the city, but are accessible with many sights and activities to engage in from above. Each mountain has its specialty-Monte Urgell with a giant statue of Christ and views of the surrounding beaches, Monte Igueldo with its own amusement park, and Monte Ulia with gorgeous views and ruins of the past.
San Sebastián has four main hubs of activity. The lively Parte Vieja (or old town) lies across the neck of Monte Urgull, the bay's eastern headland, and is where the most popular pintxo bars and cheap lodgings can be found. South of the Parte Vieja is the commercial and shopping district, called the Área Romántica. This area is laid out in a grid of late-19th-century buildings that extend from behind Playa de la Concha to the banks of Río Urumea. On the east side of the river is the district of Gros, which exists in a more peaceful state away from the busyness on the west side. It has a more relaxed ambience and is home to the surfing beach of Playa de Gros. And finally, at the opposite western end of the city is Playa de Ondarreta, a very high-class district known as a millionaires' belt due to its extravagant holiday homes.

A city of beaches, San Sebastián has anything you could want in seaside activities. Whether you want to be active with water sports or prefer to relax the day away on the sand, the coastal stretches of the city with glittering waves offer opportunities to satisfy any beach bum for days. And then there are the mountains, full of prospects for hiking, climbing, and exploring. You might come across some old ruins or follow a trail that opens to sweeping views of the coastline. Monte Urgell even has an Aquarium full of marine life and research, while Monte Igueldo houses an amusement park with a roller coaster that looks over beaches, cliffs, and the city itself.

Back down in San Sebastián, the city is also host to many festivals throughout the year, some of which include dFeria festival of theatre and dance, Heineken Jazz Festival in July with about a hundred concerts, as well as the San Sebastián International Film Festival in late Septemeber which showcases over 200 international films. Also along the lines of entertainment, the Kursaal, with its translucent crystal structure, has become an icon of the city as the venue for the Film Festival and other concerts ranging from classical to contemporary pop and rock. The Victoria Eugenia Theatre has been another important cultural stage since 1912 and is very popular for musicals and plays throughout the year.

Some of the top museums in the city include the San Telmo Museo which is the oldest displaying history and art of the Basque country, Tabakalera which houses avant-garde and contemporary displays across many media, and the Arteko Gallery which displays the contemporary artwork of young foreign and national artists.
Food and Dining
The cuisine of San Sebastián is highly influenced by Basque country, the name given to the region near the Atlantic border of Spain and France. This kind of food consists of items like meats and fish grilled over hot coals, marmitako and lamb stews, cod, Tolosa bean dishes, paprikas from Lekeitio, Idiazabal sheep's cheese, txakoli sparkling wine, and Basque cider. The most popular in San Sebastián is pintxos (Basque tapas), which are small plates served hot or cold usually at a bar. Most pintxos cost €2-3 and come in a variety of options. Visiting a pintxos bar is an easy way to sample through the flavors of Basque culture. Another interesting specialty of the region is The Kalimotxo-a drink made with 50% wine and 50% Coca-Cola. Most restaurants are located in the Old Town area of the city.

San Sebastián Airport is the nearest airport, served by Iberia and Vueling airlines to Madrid and Barcelona. The next nearest airports include Biarritz Airport in France and Bilbao Airport-the most important airport in the Basque Country and northern Spain.

There are two train stations in San Sebastián: the RENFE station for national and local trains (at the east end of Puente de Maria Cristina), and the Euskotren station for the local network (Plaza Easo).

Bus is generally easier than train when navigating Basque country. Buses arrive and depart at the San Sebastián bus station, at Plaza de Pio XII in Amara Nuevo. Bus companies include Pesa, La Burundesa, Alsa, ATCRB, and Roncalesa (for connection with Pamplona).


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We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works.

1 Categories averaged on a per-item basis.
2 Categories averaged on a per-day basis.
For example, the Food2 daily average is for all meals for an entire day, while Entertainment1 is for each individual purchase. Thus, the overall daily average cost is not a summation of the individual categories.