Frontier Airlines: is it Really That Cheap?

You've probably seen the very low cost fares of frontier airlines if you've been looking for a flight across the U.S. We definitely saw them when we recently flew from our home in North Carolina to Denver for our 3-week road trip through Colorado and Utah. We were a little confused at first, too. How could an airline actually charge around $100 per seat for a ticket across the country? Is Frontier Airlines actually this cheap? Is it too good to be true?

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How to enjoy the sandy beaches of Hawaii without spending a single penny on accommodation

From flights to accommodation to food, this destination can be expensive, even for a short trip. But what if you’re not just looking for a quick trip, but a long and immersive experience into the culture and local lifestyle? It would cost a fortune, wouldn’t it? The easiest way is to work or volunteer with your skills and in return, earn in meals and basic accommodation.

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5 Packing Rules for Frugal Frequent Flyers

In 2017, airline passengers paid around $4.2 billion dollars in baggage fees which amounts to about $1 million a day! If you’re a frugal frequent flyer, you know the importance of cutting costs where possible. One of the easiest and most effective ways to save money when traveling is to know how to pack. With the right tips you can avoid overweight luggage that results in excess fees and charges.

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