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Weddings are an exciting, but expensive time in many couple’s lives. Many young couples who are struggling to make ends meet may decide to forego the traditional honeymoon in order to save money. Although this is a perfectly reasonable option for many, a trip, no matter how short and simple, can help a newly married couple escape the stresses of wedding planning and jumpstart their marriage in a fun and exciting way. It’s important to realize that honeymoons don’t have to be fancy or extravagant to be romantic. Check out our ten tips below to help you have a fun and meaningful honeymoon without starting your marriage in debt.
1) Think outside the box. So many couples choose to travel to traditional and exotic beach destinations. But remember, you don’t have to have a “traditional” honeymoon. If you keep it simple and go to nearby mountains, a quaint town, or a rustic cabin, you may be surprised at how romantic and adventurous the experience is. If you’re looking to save money, forego some of the more expensive and exotic options and think of someplace simple and quaint. You can have a quiet and much needed relaxing vacation without the hassle of seeing all the sights and doing everything there is to do. Afterall, for many couples the honeymoon is really about spending time together.
2) Consider your interests as a couple. Are you and your significant other more interested in adventurous, cultural, or culinary trips? Pick a destination the lends itself to your specific interests. If you enjoy camping, don’t be afraid to do a camping trip on your vacation. Or plan some activities that line up with your hobbies. If you’re both into photography, allow yourself plenty of time to explore your destination and take photos. By personalizing your honeymoon you’ll make it more memorable and often times more affordable.
3) Travel in the offseason. Different destinations have different peak and low seasons. Consider when you’re getting married and choose a location where the crowds will be at a minimum and the prices will be low. This will also help ensure that you have a relaxing and hassle free trip. Most couples don’t want to deal with long lines or overcrowded sights on their honeymoon. By visiting a place in it’s low season you can save yourself some money and free some time up to spend with your new spouse.
4) Don’t book the honeymoon suite. When people think of their honeymoon’s they often think of the most impressive hotel in the most exotic location. Honeymoons are not an all or nothing situation. If you can’t afford the honeymoon suite, that doesn’t mean you can’t afford a honeymoon. Find a mid range hotel in a location that interests you. Pick a room you can afford and spend the extra money on activities. In the end you’ll likely remember the things you do more than the place you stay.
5) Consider vacationing “locally”. You don’t have to travel far to have a memorable honeymoon. Find a town you can drive to and stay in a quaint bed and breakfast. Pick a local place you’ve always wanted to go and spend your honeymoon there. Honeymoons don’t have to be at the most extreme destination to be the most memorable trip of your life.
6) Keep it short and simple. If money is really tight then plan on a honeymoon for just a few days at a destination that is easy to travel to. You don’t have to think big to make your honeymoon romantic. A long weekend trip may be just the escape you and your spouse need to begin your marriage together.
7) Plan in advance. Start thinking ahead about your honeymoon even as you’re beginning to plan your wedding. By booking your plane and hotel reservations in advance, you’ll likely get the best rates. Planning ahead will also give you the most time to put money aside for your trip. Include your honeymoon costs in your wedding budget and you’ll know from the beginning exactly how much you can afford.
8) Pay less for the hotel and more for the activities. If you have to priorities, most couples ultimately appreciate putting more money into their activities and saving a little on the hotel. Travel is all about the experiences you have, so even on you honeymoon it’s always a good idea to prioritize activities over lodging.
9) Stay flexible. Don’t have preset expectations for your honeymoon. Things happen and sometimes the most unexpected surprises can create the best memories. Plan ahead but stay flexible and know that things might not always go your way. One mishap doesn’t have to derail your entire holiday, so develop a go with the flow mentality and you’ll have more fun and save some money in the process.
10) Make it about you as a couple. Instead of focusing on the extravagance of your honeymoon, instead focus on the time you get to spend with your new spouse. Make these first few days of your marriage memorable and enjoy some relaxing, quality time together before you have to return to your daily life.
Laurie is happiest on the road and has visited over 50 countries. She dreams about meeting tribal people, hiking through rice paddies, and driving longtail boats through crystal-clear waters. She enjoys photography, social activism, and helping others quit their jobs to travel. Laurie co-founded Budget Your Trip, and lives the life any nomadic soul would yearn for.
I agree. Honeymoons should be about the couple. It doesn’t matter where you spend it or how, what’s important is you share the moments with your better half. Besides, a honeymoon allows a couple to get to know each other better through shared activities.