Do you enjoy visiting exotic countries? Then India is one place you cannot miss. The colorful nature, the diverse people, and lively atmosphere will make you fall in love with what you find there in an instant. Many tourists are scared to visit India because of the rawness and wildness of the country, but if you choose the destination wisely, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Visiting India is one experience you won’t be able to forget any sooner. India impresses mostly through culture and food. Indian cuisine is famous all around the world, so if you are a fan of eccentric dishes, this is the place for you. More than that, the varied cultures and the strong faith of people will make you feel like you visit a sacred sanctuary. Genuine experiences can be felt only in the middle of the locals.

debashis biswas 218653 unsplash First-time traveler in India? What you need for a perfect trip
Holi Festival

Quit being the traveler that everyone expects – taking selfies next to each object you encounter, buying the dullest souvenirs and so on. It’s time to step up the game and learn how to build memories that last in time. Of course, you should take your camera with you, but don’t abuse it. India is a country of wonders and endless possibilities. Take advantage of that before returning to the crowded streets of your hometown. This is a short guide that will outline the steps you have to complete before your big departure. Pay attention to the information you find here for one of the most amazing trips in your life.

Jodhpur, India

Start by gathering all documents you need

Traveling in exotic countries is a little more complicated when it comes to legal matters. You probably have to get some vaccines done as well. Typhoid, Malaria, and Encephalitis are pretty common in India, especially in dirtier areas of the country. As for documents, you will need your passport, your ID, and a visa. Luckily, you can apply for India visa online, which makes everything much faster than you probably believed. You only have to bring your plane tickets, your luggage, and some money. Once you’re sure you got it all, the next step is deciding what locations you will visit.

Jaipur, India

Choose where to go beforehand

Saving time by choosing the places you are going to visit beforehand makes you an experienced traveler. If you wait until you get to India and decide then where are you going, you risk losing a lot of time because of the possible arguing and opinion differences that may occur in the way. Try to carefully plan and write down (preferably on your phone) all the things you need to do once you get in India. Because the country is permanently crowded, and you won’t find taxis or maps as easy as in other places, take precautions. The main tourist attractions and sights in India include the famous Taj Mahal, the Ganges River, the Gandhi Ashram and many more. You should find inspiration online for scheduling your trip activities. You can look online for guided tours. They are quite affordable, and you’ll see everything at once. Of course, if you want a more in-depth experience, take your time to observe details and ask for further information, even though that means losing some time.

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Jaipur, India

Money, activities, and customs

You will need Indian rupees while you travel but keep some euros or dollars on you as well. Usually, Indian merchants accept multiple currencies. The language spoken in India is Hindi, but most Indians speak English as well, as the country has a lot of touristic potentials. People don’t even expect to tip in restaurants, but you should surprise them as a tourist. You’ll notice that locals are welcoming and willing to help tourists. A guided tour won’t cost more than 300 rupees and the food is generally cheap.

Try curries, tandoori meats, vindaloo and Indian chai. Local beer is also something you can’t miss. You can eat with your hands, but if you want to use utensils you should use only your right hand. The same goes when saluting someone or touching a person. Bow and say Namaste or shake hands. You shouldn’t touch someone else’s food and avoid refusing tea. Always remove your shoes when entering someone’s home. As for activities, try visiting as many temples, monasteries, and mosques as possible. The Shivanasamudra falls and the Thar Desert are locations to consider if getting outside the city.