A road trip offers a unique and memorable experience like no other. I have spent the past 14 months traveling in a campervan and can say with confidence this is my favorite to travel. Compared to a traditional vacation such as an airline flight to a sandy beach or cruise in the Caribbean; a great American road trip will leave you with a refreshing reflection of adventure.

DogVanCamping 10 Reasons To Take A Campervan Road Trip

1.    Avoid The Airlines

Anyone who travels frequently knows airlines are expensive, thankfully we got great info from sites like campingfunzone.com so you can enjoy of a road trip in your RV and learn about the many campsites around you.

This is the first consideration that comes to mind when you start to plan your adventure. Not only do you have to navigate the peak times to travel; but dealing with security, delays and airline friendly luggage is a struggle.

When you choose to travel in a campervan, all of those problems melt away. Once you’ve found an RV park broker that’s suited to your needs, you have the freedom to leave at the time of your choosing. You can pack as much (or as little) as you want. You can even bring a cooler full of liquids!

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2.    Dodge The Hotels

Another inconvenience that comes with travel is hotels. Not only will they leave a hole in your wallet, but hotels have specific check-in times that will put a damper on your schedule. When travelling in a campervan you get to park where you want, when you want. You’re not obligated to get all the way to your destination in one day and you have the freedom to stop and spend the night along the way.

3.    Bring Your Furry Friend – At No Extra Charge

One of the biggest benefits that I have found when traveling in a campervan is the ability to bring every member of the family. My dog loves travel as much as I do and I cherish the fact that I can bring her along. Bringing a family pet along on a road trip will force you to think outside the box for activities. With my dog, I spend much more time hiking, swimming and enjoying active entertainment.

Campervan Road Trip

4.    Stumble Upon The Lesser-Known Destinations

Not every point of interest is highlighted on a map. When you take the time to drive down the road less traveled you get to experience places only known to the locals. I like to keep my eyes peeled for billboards, signs and banners directing me along the way. You’ll be surprised to find that festivals and concerts are dotted along your journey when you travel with an open itinerary.

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5.    Reconnect With Your Friends And Family

You don’t really know someone unless you’ve traveled with them. A road trip is a fantastic chance to eat, sleep and connect with your loved ones. Navigating the unknown will surely strengthen the bonds of friendship and you’ll come out on the other end with countless memories to share.

Fall Road Trip

6.    Choose Your Comfort

When heading out on a road trip you get to pick your vehicle of choice. That might mean roughing it in a small car and tent or rolling around in an expensive motor home. There is a wide variety of options out there that stray far from choosing between first and second class. Nowhere else will you get to pick the amount of storage space, amenities and features that you will with a campervan.

7.    Step Away From The Screens

When you’re not in total control of your travels it’s easy to get preoccupied with the flashy screen of a mobile phone. Instead of hanging out in front of a hotel television, a campervan adventure will force you to live in the moment. This is a great way to enjoy the sights and scenery around you.

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8.    Get In Touch With Nature

When is the last time you got out and really connected with nature? Chances are, it doesn’t happen very often. A road trip will wind you through farmland, dessert landscapes or the mountainous ‘fly-over’ states. You’ll get to experience the beauty of nature how it was intended. Not much wildlife can be found in a local airport, but when taking a campervan vacation nature will find you.

ParkedInParadise1 10 Reasons To Take A Campervan Road Trip

9.    Meet New People

Always traveling to the same major cities might lead you to meet the same types of people. The real adventure happens when you hang with the locals. A road trip will lead you to a wide variety of people who can give better insights to small-town havens than any guide book.

10.  Travel Is All About The Journey, Not The Destination

The old adage holds true in this case. Taking a road trip rather than conventional travel methods will certainly redefine what the word ‘end’ actually means. Spontaneity and open-mindedness are key to a great adventure. Campervans are an excellent way to force yourself into an unforgettable experience.

The next time you plan a vacation I urge you to think outside the box and consider a road trip adventure. You won’t regret the flexibility and delight that a campervan can offer.