Average Daily Travel Cost
(per person) |
﷼ 2,964,379.00 |
Accommodation1 | ﷼ 1,612,758.11 |
Local Transportation1 | ﷼ 342,342.09 |
Food2 | ﷼ 653,416.47 |
Entertainment1 | ﷼ 1,294,911.72 |
Communication2 | ﷼ 0.00 |
Tips and Handouts1 | ﷼ 1,831,570.13 |
Souvenirs1 | ﷼ 1,878,977.62 |
Scams, Robberies, and Mishaps1 | ﷼ 0.00 |
Alcohol2 | ﷼ 0.00 |
Water2 | ﷼ 6,250.00 |
Average Daily Travel Cost
(per person) |
﷼ 966,766.81 |
Accommodation1 | ﷼ 437,500.00 |
Local Transportation1 | ﷼ 109,217.96 |
Food2 | ﷼ 442,407.83 |
Entertainment1 | ﷼ 100,000.00 |
Communication2 | ﷼ 0.00 |
Tips and Handouts1 | ﷼ 3,750.00 |
Souvenirs1 | ﷼ 284,687.50 |
Scams, Robberies, and Mishaps1 | ﷼ 0.00 |
Alcohol2 | ﷼ 0.00 |
Water2 | ﷼ 0.00 |