How much does a trip to Asheville Cost?

The Cost of a Trip to Asheville

A trip to Asheville for one person usually costs between $57 and $269 per day and $114 to $538 for two people. This is a wide range of costs, and the daily average per person from our data is $133 per person. This average includes food, accommodation, sightseeing, and local transportation expenses contributed from other travelers. Prices can vary based on travel style and activities. While the overall price for a trip to Asheville is dependent on your personal travel style and the specific places you visit, if you book standard accommodation and travel with an average level of convenience, then your budget should be somewhere close to this average cost. Later in this article, you can find a breakdown of travel expenses by category, plus a general price range of accommodation and activity costs for your visit. Also, the prices for individual attractions and hotels may vary, but generally fall somewhat close to the price ranges described in this article.

How much money should you budget for your trip to Asheville?

If you're considering an independent trip to Asheville, it's helpful to have an idea of the amount of money you'll need. For budget travelers, planning to spend around $57 per day should cover your essential expenses, including affordable accommodations like hostels and budget hotels, cost-effective meal options, local transportation, and affordable activities. For those with a mid-range budget, allocating around $133 per day would allow for more comfortable hotels, dining at typical restaurants, and exploring a range of popular attractions. Luxury travelers, on the other hand, should anticipate a daily budget of $269, which would encompass higher-end accommodations, dining at nicer restaurants, and indulging in private tour options. It's worth noting that these price ranges are based on extensive travel cost data for Asheville from fellow travelers, as well as insights from travel companies regarding hotel and tour prices. For further details on travel costs, you can refer to our comprehensive travel cost data for Asheville.

Average Daily Costs, Per Person, by Category
Budget Mid-Range Luxury
Accommodation1 $38 $89 $174
Local Transportation1 $6 $14 $27
Food2 $14 $33 $73
Entertainment1 $7 $16 $36
Souvenirs1 $13 $13 $13
Alcohol2 $7 $16 $30

How much does a weekend trip to Asheville cost?

Travelers spend, on average, $399 per person on a three-day trip to Asheville. This includes sightseeing, hotels, food, and local transportation. You can stick close to this average price by staying at mid-range hotels and eating at mid-level restaurants, while also paying for some entry tickets to popular attractions. If you wish to travel cheaper, it's possible to find lower-cost accommodations, eat at less expenive restaurants, and find more free activities. It's also common for many visitors to have a much higher travel budget, as many high-end hotels and restaurants can be found around town.

Asheville, North Carolina

How much does a five day trip to Asheville cost?

With five days in Asheville, you can expect to spend about $665 total, not including transportation to and from the city. It's possible to stay close to this daily average by booking mid-range hotels, eating at normal restaurants, and paying for some entry tickets to popular attractions. It's possible to find lower-cost accommodations, eat at less expenive restaurants, and find more free activities if you want to spent less money.

How much does a one week trip to Asheville cost?

Most visitors spend between $400 and $1,883 for a one week trip to Asheville, with the average being $930. This includes sightseeing, local transportation, food, and hotels. One week is enough time to have a more in-depth experience in Asheville. Also, one week allows you to be more flexible with your time and money, so you can potentially save money on some aspects of your trip while spending more on others.

Hostel Prices in Asheville

With more than 2 hostels in Asheville, the average price is $37 per night for a dorm bed. The cheapest hostel costs $34 and the most expensive is $40. Usually popular with younger travelers, hostels are a great way to save money while also being social. But not all hostels are the same, and we've analyzed the prices of both dorms and private rooms to find the average prices and best places to stay. You can see more details about the hostel prices in Asheville here.

Here are a few sample prices from popular hostels in Asheville.

  • $34 for a dorm bed at Bon Paul & Sharky's Hostel in Asheville
  • $40 for a dorm bed at The Lazy Tiger Hostel in Asheville

Hotel Prices in Asheville

The average price for a hotel room in Asheville is $170 per night. This average is based on our detailed analysis of available hotels in the area. If you want to save money, or if you're planning a more luxurious trip, it's important to look at hotel prices based on the overall star-rating as well as guest reviews. Also, prices can vary by location and amenities. You can see more details from our analysis of hotel prices in Asheville here, and below is a breakdown of hotel prices by star-rating.

Hotels by star rating in Asheville
Rating Number of Hotels Average Hotel Price
4 stars 13 $335
3 stars 42 $173
2 stars 34 $109
1 star 3 $171
No rating 3 $302

One Battery Park Avenue, Asheville
Overall Rating 8.7
74 Oakland Road, Asheville
Overall Rating 9.5

Asheville, North Carolina

Should you do a tour in Asheville?

You'll find a wide range of guided tours in Asheville and many visitors enjoy the convenience of having an expert guide leading them through the chosen activity. Tours range in price from $26 for the Gem Mining and Goat Farm Walking Tour in Hendersonville to $95 for the Half Day Guided Brew Hopping Tour Beyond Asheville.

    • Half-Day Tour With Instruction in Vistas & Waterfall Photography: $150
    • Blue Ridge Mtns Hiking Tour with the areas top rated trail expert: $94
    • Historic Music Scene Walking Tour in Asheville: $30
    • Private Tarot Reading - For Groups or Solo Adventurers: $85
    • Asheville Coffee Tours: $65
    • Kayak Tour at Lake Lure: $125
    • Private Walking Tour of a Real Working Cattle Ranch: $125
    • (3 HR) Off-Road UTV Wilderness Adventure : $175
    More for Asheville

    If you're planning a trip to Asheville, North Carolina, check out these other informative travel guides.

    We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works.

    1 Categories averaged on a per-item basis.
    2 Categories averaged on a per-day basis.
    For example, the Food2 daily average is for all meals for an entire day, while Entertainment1 is for each individual purchase. Thus, the overall daily average cost is not a summation of the individual categories.

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    Budget Your Trip is all about finding out how much everything costs so that you can travel cheaper and longer. Created by avid travelers Laurie and Bryan, our goal is to help you plan your next trip on the right budget. With average daily travel costs that are calculated from the budgets of real travelers, plus an analysis of hotel and tour prices, you can find out how much money you need to plan your next adventure. We also have plenty of travel advice, accommodation reviews, and activity suggestions.

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