In 2006, we spent a month in Vietnam. We crossed the border from China in the north near Sapa, where we spent an amazing few days amongst the Hmong people and their beautifully terraced rice fields. Next we ventured down to Hanoi, and then spent a few days on a boat in the Halong Bay. Afterwards we made our way south, but for now we have plenty of photos to show of Northern Vietnam. If you find yourself wandering around Southeast Asia, don’t miss this amazing country, especially Sapa (sometimes spelled “Sa Pa”) and the surrounding areas.

Hmong Woman
Hmong woman and baby, Bac Ha Market, Vietnam
Halong Bay
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Hmong Boy
Hmong boy and water buffalo, Sapa, Vietnam
Sapa Girl
Hmong Girl, Sapa, Vietnam
Hmong Woman
Hmong woman, Bac Ha Market, Vietnam
Northern Vietnam
The countryside of northern Vietnam
Halong Bay
Halong Bay, Vietnam

Got some photos to share, send them our way and we’ll feature them in an upcoming “Photo Friday”!

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