Visitors to Nicaragua usually spend between $24 and $177 per day on average for one person and $48 to $355 for two people. While this is a wide range, the average daily cost averages $63 (C$2,327) per person. This average includes sightseeing, hotel, food, and local transportation expenses from other travelers. Your individual travel expenses may vary based on travel style and the locations visited, but if you plan wisely while visiting the most popular destinations, such as Granada, Managua, and San Juan del Sur, then you'll likely spend somewhere in this price range while on your trip. Further down we have a breakdown of expenses by category, as well as a comparison of independent travel versus guided tour prices.
If you're planning an Independent trip to Nicaragua, budget travelers should plan to spend around $24 (C$877) per day for their trip. This average includes hostels and budget hotels, affordable meal options, local transportation, and activities. If you're on a mid-range budget, plan for around $63 (C$2,327) a day which covers the cost of typical hotels, normal restaurants, and a variety of popular attractions. Luxury travelers should allow for $177 (C$6,505) a day, which would cover higher-end hotels, nicer restaurants, and more private tour options. All of these price ranges are based on our extensive travel cost data for Nicaragua from other travelers, along with hotel and tour data from travel companies.
3 Days | 7 Days | 14 Days | |
Accommodation1 | $50 | $117 | $234 |
Intercity Transportation1 | $82 | $191 | $382 |
Local Transportation1 | $30 | $70 | $139 |
Food2 | $73 | $170 | $341 |
Water2 | $2 | $5 | $10 |
Entertainment1 | $37 | $87 | $175 |
Souvenirs1 | $26 | $62 | $123 |
Communication2 | $5 | $12 | $24 |
Living Expenses2 | $320 | $748 | $1,495 |
Scams, Robberies, and Mishaps1 | $20 | $46 | $93 |
Alcohol2 | $26 | $61 | $121 |
Tips and Handouts1 | $2 | $4 | $7 |
Most visitors spend between $167 and $1,242 for a one week trip to Nicaragua, with the average being $444. This includes sightseeing, local transportation, food, and hotels. One week is enough time to visit one, two, or maybe three locations in Nicaragua, depending on how in-depth you want to make your visit. Some of the most popular places to visit are Granada, Managua, and San Juan del Sur.
With two weeks, you should budget between $335 and $2,485 for your trip to Nicaragua. The average price for a two week trip is $889. Two weeks will allow you enough time to visit between three and five places. If you're on a budget, you might want to consider some of the more affordable places such as Isla de Ometepe and Granada.
When embarking on a month-long trip to Nicaragua, expenses can range from $718 to $5,324, with an average cost falling around $1,904. For those fortunate enough to have a full month, considering a vacation rental with a kitchen for at least a portion of your stay can help save money with meals. Backpackers often opt for hostels due to their affordability and the added benefit of a social vibe.
With more than 70 hostels in Nicaragua, the average price is $13 per night for a dorm bed. Hostels are a terrific option for younger independent travelers looking to save money while staying social during their trip. With many types of hostels, it can be overwhelming to sort out the best places, though. Our analysis of the hostels in Nicaragua not only found the average price, but also uncovered some surprises about the overall quality, amenities, and atmosphere of hostels in the region. You can see more details from our analysis about typical hostel prices in Nicaragua here.
Number of Hostels | Average Price | |
San Juan del Sur | 25 | $14 |
Granada | 20 | $11 |
Leon | 16 | $9 |
Managua | 6 | $13 |
Here are a few sample prices from popular hostels in Nicaragua.
You'll find a wide range of hotel options across Nicaragua. Below are prices for some of the destinations, and for more details see our analysis of hotel costs in Nicaragua.
City | Average Hotel Price |
San Juan del Sur | $102 |
Granada | $83 |
Managua | $68 |
Isla de Ometepe | $15 |
Organized tours are an easy and convenient way to visit Nicaragua. All of the details are handled by travel experts, and during the trip you'll benefit from the knowledge of an expert guide.
Traveling independently offers freedom and flexibility that is hard to find on an organized tour.
Many travelers appreciate the convenience and ease that an organized tour offers. Many tours provide transportation and expert guides that help you enjoy your trip.
Alternatively, you'll enjoy freedom and flexibility with independent travel that is difficult to find with an organized tour.
When we compare the prices of organized tours to the average costs of independent travelers, we can see that sometimes the prices are fairly even.
Organized Package Tours | Independent Travel | |
3-Day Trip Cost | $0 - $0 | $72 - $532 |
7-Day Trip Cost | $0 - $0 | $167 - $1,242 |
10-Day Trip Cost | $0 - $0 | $239 - $1,775 |
14-Day Trip Cost | $0 - $0 | $335 - $2,485 |
Organized tours typically average around $83 per day and provide the convenience of an all-inclusive package with one comprehensive payment. On the other hand, independent trips usually average around $63 (C$2,327) per day and involve individual payments for accommodations, local transportation, meals, and sightseeing. Both organized tours and independent trips have their own unique challenges and benefits, so it's crucial to thoroughly understand the aspects of each to make a fair comparison. For a detailed analysis of tour prices in Nicaragua, check out our comprehensive guide on tour prices in Nicaragua here.
If you're planning a trip to Nicaragua, check out these other informative travel guides.
We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works.
1 Categories averaged on a per-item basis.
2 Categories averaged on a per-day basis.
For example, the Food2 daily average is for all meals for an entire day, while Entertainment1 is for each individual purchase. Thus, the overall daily average cost is not a summation of the individual categories.
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