Places to Visit in San Francisco's Financial District

Best Sights and Attractions in San Francisco's Financial District

San Francisco's Financial District is where you'll find most of the city's skyscrapers. It's common to see business men and women walking around and you may even occasionally see someone in a suit, which is a rare find in this otherwise casual city. Famous buildings include the Transamerica Pyramid and the Ferry Building. This area is busy on any given weekday and there are a number of popular Happy Hours after work, but the neighborhood quiets down quickly at night. There are some nice romantic spots and restaurants that couples can enjoy in the neighborhood as well. Below are several of the more interesting sights in the Financial District.
The Redwood Park at the Transamerica Pyramid Center
The Redwood Park at the Transamerica Pyramid Center
The Redwood Park offers a peaceful setting with plenty of benches and striking redwood trees in the heart of the city. This is a quiet spot where you can enjoy lunch or simply rest your legs before continuing to explore the city. At the center of the park is a beautiful fountain.
600 Montgomery St, Financial District, San Francisco, CA, 94111
Ferry Building
Ferry Building
This historic building has been converted into a shopping area with great restaurants and local vendors who sell produce, cheese, and more. There's also a weekend farmer's market in the area that's fun to browse.
1 Ferry Building, Financial District and Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA, 94111
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The Embarcadero is the eastern waterfront area by the Port of San Francisco. There are a number of piers and iconic buildings, shops, and the famous Ferry Building. There area offers beautiful views of the water and the Bay Bridge.
Financial District, SF, California, 94111
San Francisco Railway Museum
Located by the Ferry Building at the Embarcadero, this fun and family-friendly railroad museum focuses on the history of railroading in San Francisco with a special focus on the historic street cars. After all, the city is not just home to the cable cars, but also street cars and a subway system. Visitors can get into the driver's seat of a replica street car and view a variety of exhibits about local history as it relates to transportation in the region.
77 Steuart Street, Embarcadero and Financial District, San Francisco, California
1 Kearny Street
This private deck and garden is located in the Financial District and is open to the public during business hours. It's located on the 11th floor and is accessible by elevator. From this peaceful setting you can enjoy stunning views of the city and it offers a great place to rest and enjoy lunch.
1 Kearny Street, Financial District, San Francisco, CA
Sue Bierman Playground
Sue Beirman Playground, in the Financial District, is in a good location for families who need a break from sightseeing in San Francisco. It's near a couple of coffee shops, so parents can refuel while kids get their energy out. This playground is gated with slides and activities for young kids and slightly older children.
253 Washington St., Financial District, San Francisco, CA, 94133
How much does it cost?

Prices for activities, things to do, and tours range from $25 to $109. The average cost for a tour or tickets is $67. A few of the best options are below.

Where to Stay in San Francisco

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