Free Photo Editors for your Travel Pics

We take lots of photos while we travel, and we know that we're not the only ones. Sometimes we all need to do a little post-processing or color-correcting to our pictures. However, this can be challenging while traveling because we are often away from our computers, not to mention that the best photo editing software can be quite expensive. But fear not, in the last few years a lot of online photo organization and manipulation tools have become available, and most of them are free. So if you're traveling, or about to start a trip, check out these great websites to modify your travel pics.

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The Beer Truck
Our truck, undergoing repairs

Beer Truck

When taxi cabs and public buses fail you, try the beer truck instead. We found ourselves stuck in a small town, a mere intersection really, between Lalibela and Dessie, in the African country of Ethiopia. It was in fact a holiday, and buses were scarce.

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Halong Bay
Halong Bay, Vietnam

Photo Friday: Vietnam

In 2006, we spent a month in Vietnam. We crossed the border from China in the north near Sapa, where we spent an amazing few days amongst the Hmong people and their beautifully terraced rice fields. Next we ventured down to Hanoi, and then spent a few days on a boat in the Halong Bay. Afterwards we made our way south, but for now we have plenty of photos to show of Northern Vietnam. If you find yourself wandering around Southeast Asia, don't miss this amazing country, especially Sapa (sometimes spelled "Sa Pa") and the surrounding areas.

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Phil In The Blank

Phil Paoletta is a guy after our own hearts, simply because he willingly chose to go to West Africa. It's an amazing place, and if you read Phil's awesomely named blog, Phil in the Blank, you'll get a sense of what it's like. Don't let his "loose stool count" scare you away. Seriously.

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Hmong Woman
The Hmong people of northern Vietnam

Why You Should Always Negotiate

If you've traveled in a developing country, you've probably been in a situation where you need to negotiate a price. Actually, you've probably been in this situation hundreds of times. Whether it's a taxi ride or a souvenir, in many places in the world it is perfectly normal to negotiate for a price. Many tourists and travelers have trouble with this concept. Depending on where you are, it might only cost a few bucks at the most. But to that local shopkeeper or taxi driver, it's a lot of money. Why not just give them that little extra that they are asking for? What's the harm? They need the money, and they are supporting their families, right?

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Halong Bay
Halong Bay, Vietnam

The Packing List: What To Pack?

Going on a long term trip, for multiple months, or even a year? When we planned our first multi-month adventure, our friends and family kept asking us "how do you pack for a trip like that?" Our answer: "Well... uh... I have no idea!" Now that we've done it a few times, we know how to answer that question. And we're not the only ones. We've assembled some of the best packing list items and advice from people who have actually survived their trips.

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Old Woman, Nepal
Old Woman, Kathmandu, Nepal

Taking Better Travel Photos

There's no doubt that photography and travel go hand in hand. Many travelers hold their cameras as close to their hearts as their passports. But how do you snap those perfect images to capture the best moments of your trip? We've put together a few tips and resources to help you create the best travel photos for your trip album.

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