Frontier Airlines: is it Really That Cheap?

You've probably seen the very low cost fares of frontier airlines if you've been looking for a flight across the U.S. We definitely saw them when we recently flew from our home in North Carolina to Denver for our 3-week road trip through Colorado and Utah. We were a little confused at first, too. How could an airline actually charge around $100 per seat for a ticket across the country? Is Frontier Airlines actually this cheap? Is it too good to be true?

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5 Things You Should Do Before Taking A Road Trip

If you are not planning to travel across the world, then the best kind of trip that you can choose is a road trip. The road had its own special appeal, and it is something that will probably never go away. Sure, people do live fast today, and often simply have to get on and off a plane in order to reach a certain destination in time. But if you have all the time of the world on your hands, then you should really consider prepping your car and heading for an “on the road” experience.

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