Dogon Masks
Dogon Masks, Mali

Bargaining Abroad

With summer fast approaching, many will be jet-setting to explore foreign and exotic places. While you may have set your budget and selected the cheapest airfare and hotel, you could get accidently get sucked into a financial hole simply by doing some souvenir shopping. To make sure that you don't get ripped off and spend a small fortune on a matryoshka doll, learn how to bargain like a pro.

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Hamer Girl
Hamer girl, at the Jumping of the Bulls ceremony

Photo Friday: Southern Ethiopia

The theme of this week's Photo Friday is Southern Ethiopia. This is part of my personal effort to convince as many people as possible to visit Africa. After spending several months on the continent, we realized that we had only experienced a drop in the bucket. Africa is so huge and diverse that it would take years to fully understand all of the cultures, history, tragedy, and beauty that this immense land has to offer.

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Towers in Torres del Paine, Patagonia
The Towers in Torres del Paine, Patagonia

Hiking Torres del Paine in Patagonia, Chile

Torres del Paine is a national park in Patagonia, Chile. It is known for some of the most spectacular hiking in the world. I met many people as I hiked the park - people doing it on many different budgets. There was Joe from Chicago who camped and lived on porridge for nine days - surely that’s the cheapest it can be done. There were others who stayed at the Refugios with breakfast, dinner and a box lunch included for the trail. In between there was me: I camped, ate one meal at a Refugio, had drinks at the bar during happy hour (when they were half price) and ate a lot of nuts, dried fruit and other easily portable food.

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London Bridge (Tower Bridge) : Reflection on the River Thames
London Bridge (Tower Bridge) : Reflection on the River Thames by Anirudh Koul

10 Free Things to do in London

London: city of bankers and the super rich. Well, it’s certainly that, but London is also a raggle taggle city of many other kinds of life and the kind of place where you never really know what’s going to be round the next corner. So if you want to see the city without the enormous expense, don’t be satisfied with the usual tourist hangouts, get around.

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Bathers come every morning to the ghats by the river

Photo Friday: Varanasi

This week's photos are from our time in Varanasi, India (also known as Benares). The River Ganges flows through the city and is considered the holiest place in the world for Hindus. People come to bathe and cleanse themselves in the river along the many ghats which descend from the city streets into the river.

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Free Photo Editors for your Travel Pics

We take lots of photos while we travel, and we know that we're not the only ones. Sometimes we all need to do a little post-processing or color-correcting to our pictures. However, this can be challenging while traveling because we are often away from our computers, not to mention that the best photo editing software can be quite expensive. But fear not, in the last few years a lot of online photo organization and manipulation tools have become available, and most of them are free. So if you're traveling, or about to start a trip, check out these great websites to modify your travel pics.

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