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Hamer Girl
Hamer girl, at the Jumping of the Bulls ceremony

Photo Friday: Southern Ethiopia

The theme of this week's Photo Friday is Southern Ethiopia. This is part of my personal effort to convince as many people as possible to visit Africa. After spending several months on the continent, we realized that we had only experienced a drop in the bucket. Africa is so huge and diverse that it would take years to fully understand all of the cultures, history, tragedy, and beauty that this immense land has to offer.

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Tran with Leandro
Tran with Leandro

The Truth About Travel

In July 2010, Matt and Tran of Backpack Forever left their settled lives in Houston, Texas to embark on a five-month journey to Central and South America. Their trip led them through Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, the Guianas, Brazil, and Argentina. They’re back in the U.S. for now and have agreed to share their thoughts on "the truth about travel."

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Towers in Torres del Paine, Patagonia
The Towers in Torres del Paine, Patagonia

Hiking Torres del Paine in Patagonia, Chile

Torres del Paine is a national park in Patagonia, Chile. It is known for some of the most spectacular hiking in the world. I met many people as I hiked the park - people doing it on many different budgets. There was Joe from Chicago who camped and lived on porridge for nine days - surely that’s the cheapest it can be done. There were others who stayed at the Refugios with breakfast, dinner and a box lunch included for the trail. In between there was me: I camped, ate one meal at a Refugio, had drinks at the bar during happy hour (when they were half price) and ate a lot of nuts, dried fruit and other easily portable food.

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London Bridge (Tower Bridge) : Reflection on the River Thames
London Bridge (Tower Bridge) : Reflection on the River Thames by Anirudh Koul

10 Free Things to do in London

London: city of bankers and the super rich. Well, it’s certainly that, but London is also a raggle taggle city of many other kinds of life and the kind of place where you never really know what’s going to be round the next corner. So if you want to see the city without the enormous expense, don’t be satisfied with the usual tourist hangouts, get around.

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The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China, by Jeremy

3 Tips to Navigate China Without Speaking the Language

The superpower nation of China is big, not just in land mass, but in population as well. With about 1.4 billion people (that is 4 Chinese for every 1 American), and 12-24 hour train rides between each major city, the country is only recently trying to integrate on the world stage. Even with this recent push, certain traits have not been adapted to the world scale. One of these is the language barrier.

  • Post category:Asia
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Photo Friday: Mali

One of the most amazing places in the world is also one of the most overlooked. Mali is a large country in West Africa with a diverse and friendly population. They love their history, their culture, and especially their music. Here are some photos to tempt you into visiting.

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Bathers come every morning to the ghats by the river

Photo Friday: Varanasi

This week's photos are from our time in Varanasi, India (also known as Benares). The River Ganges flows through the city and is considered the holiest place in the world for Hindus. People come to bathe and cleanse themselves in the river along the many ghats which descend from the city streets into the river.

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