Travel Budget for Cocoa Beach Visit Cocoa Beach on a Budget or Travel in Style

Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States of America

How much does it cost to travel to Cocoa Beach?

You should plan to spend around $145 per day on your vacation in Cocoa Beach. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

Past travelers have spent, on average for one day:

  • $43 on meals
  • $26 on local transportation
  • $170 on hotels

A one week trip to Cocoa Beach for two people costs, on average, $2,027. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

All of these average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget.

  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day
  • One Week Per person
  • 2 Weeks Per person
  • One Month Per person
  • One Week For a couple
  • 2 Weeks For a couple
  • One Month For a couple
This data comes from the travel budgets of real travelers - How it works. Put these numbers on your website.

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How much does a one week, two week, or one month trip to Cocoa Beach cost?

A one week trip to Cocoa Beach usually costs around $1,013 for one person and $2,027 for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

A two week trip to Cocoa Beach on average costs around $2,027 for one person and $4,054 for two people. This cost includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

Please note, prices can vary based on your travel style, speed, and other variables. If you're traveling as a family of three or four people, the price per person often goes down because kid's tickets are cheaper and hotel rooms can be shared. If you travel slower over a longer period of time then your daily budget will also go down. Two people traveling together for one month in Cocoa Beach will often have a lower daily budget per person than one person traveling alone for one week.

A one month trip to Cocoa Beach on average costs around $4,343 for one person and $8,687 for two people. The more places you visit, the higher the daily price will become due to increased transportation costs.

Independent Travel

Traveling Independently to Cocoa Beach has many benefits including affordabilty, freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to control your own experiences.

All of the travel costs below are based on the experiences of other independent travelers.

Is Cocoa Beach expensive to visit?

Prices in Cocoa Beach are reasonable and comparable to your average travel destination. Hotels, food, and sightseeing are generally within normal price ranges.

Within North America, which is known to be an expensive region, Cocoa Beach is a moderately priced destination compared to other places. The overall cost of travel here is fair for the region and comparable to Islamorada or Round Pond.

For more details, and to find out if it's within your travel budget, see Is Cocoa Beach Expensive?

How much money do I need for a trip to Cocoa Beach?

The average Cocoa Beach trip cost is broken down by category here for independent travelers. All of these Cocoa Beach travel prices are calculated from the budgets of real travelers.

Category Cost
Accommodation 1 (Double Occupancy) $170
Local Transportation 1 $26
Food 2 $43
Entertainment 1 $16
Alcohol 2 $10 - 30
Accommodation Budget in Cocoa Beach
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

The average price paid for one person for accommodation in Cocoa Beach is $85. For two people sharing a typical double-occupancy hotel room, the average price paid for a hotel room in Cocoa Beach is $170. This cost is from the reported spending of actual travelers.

  • Accommodation1 Hotel or hostel for one person
  • Accommodation1 Typical double-occupancy room

Hotel Prices in Cocoa Beach

Looking for a hotel in Cocoa Beach? Prices vary by location, date, season, and the level of luxury. See below for options.

Find the best hotel for your travel style.


Actual Hotel Prices
The average hotel room price in Cocoa Beach based on data provided by Kayak for actual hotel rooms is $180. (Prices in U.S. Dollars, before taxes & fees.)

Kayak helps you find the best prices for hotels, flights, and rental cars for destinations around the world.

Recommended Properties

Transportation Budget in Cocoa Beach
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • The cost of a taxi ride in Cocoa Beach is significantly more than public transportation. On average, past travelers have spent $26 per person, per day, on local transportation in Cocoa Beach.

  • Transportation1 Taxis, local buses, subway, etc.

Recommended Services

Flights to Cocoa Beach
How much does it cost to go to Cocoa Beach? Naturally, it depends on the dates. We recommend Kayak because they can find the best deals across all airlines.

Rental Cars in Cocoa Beach
The price of renting a car in Cocoa Beach will depends on dates, the type of car, the location, and your age. We recommend Kayak because they can find the best deals across all car rental companies.

Food Budget in Cocoa Beach
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • While meal prices in Cocoa Beach can vary, the average cost of food in Cocoa Beach is $43 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Cocoa Beach should cost around $17 per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner. The price of food in sit-down restaurants in Cocoa Beach is often higher than fast food prices or street food prices.

  • Food2 Meals for one day


Entertainment Budget in Cocoa Beach
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • Entertainment and activities in Cocoa Beach typically cost an average of $16 per person, per day based on the spending of previous travelers. This includes fees paid for admission tickets to museums and attractions, day tours, and other sightseeing expenses.

  • Entertainment1 Entrance tickets, shows, etc.

Recommended Activities

Alcohol Budget in Cocoa Beach
Average Daily Costs

Calculated from travelers like you

  • The average person spends about $20 on alcoholic beverages in Cocoa Beach per day. The more you spend on alcohol, the more fun you might be having despite your higher budget.

  • Alcohol2 Drinks for one day


Cocoa Beach On a Budget
Cocoa Beach Cocoa Beach, Florida
Cocoa Beach, Florida has long been a favorite vacation spot for travelers looking for sun, sand, and waves. The location was also made famous as the setting for the 1960's television show, "I Dream of Jeannie". The town of just over 11,000 is located in Brevard County along the Atlantic coast. Many people visit the area because of its excellent surfing. There are many surfing festivals and competitions held here yearly and the famous Ron Jon's surf shop receives about 2 million visitors a year. The city is also home to the East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame.

Cocoa Beach's climate is humid subtropical with hot and humid summers and warm, dry, and sunny winters. Tropical downpours are common during the winter months, although they are often short lived.
People travel to Cocoa Beach for one reason alone - it's beautiful beach. It's obvious why this stretch of sand is so famous. In addition to sunbathing and swimming, you'll find activities along the beach that include beach volleyball, surfing, and surf fishing. If you're wanting to do some shopping or you forgot a few essential items at home, there are plenty of beach shops around town. For a more thorough selection you can head to Merritt Square Mall, which has many popular chain stores to choose from.
Cocoa Beach covers an area of about 15 square miles, the majority of which is water and almost 5 square miles are land. The city is bordered by Cape Canaveral to the north and Crescent Beach to the south. The Atlantic Ocean is to the east and Banana River to the west. There are many boating channels that have been dredged in the area and many of the area's homes are built on dredged mud and sand.

Most visitors spend their time on the beach. The Cocoa Beach Pier, formerly called the Cape Canaveral Pier, has many restaurants, bars, gift shops and fishing opportunities. You can also rent sporting equipment there.

You'll find plenty of budget chain hotels around the area, but as you move closer to the water prices get higher. Peak seasons and spring break also brings an increase in price when crowds are at their highest and rooms are in short supply.

If you've had your fill of hanging out on the beach then there are a number of other activities that you can enjoy around town. If you want to get out on the water then check out Schooner Sails that offers boat rides around the Space Coast. You can also reserve it for weddings or birthdays. Cocoa Beach Sportfishing Charters offers deep sea fishing charters and sportfishing. Sterling Casino Lines offers gambling cruises both during the day and in the evening. You must be 18 years old to join. If you'd like to try your hand a surfing or paddleboarding then try A1A Beach Rentals. They offer surfing and paddleboard lessons as well as kayak rentals and tours.

There are a handful of festivals in the area. The Annual Easter Surfing Festival dates back to 1964 and attracts about 100,000 spectators. The Beach Fest is also held every May. Other events include the Air Show and the National Kidney Foundation Pro-Am Surfing Festival.
Food and Dining
Restaurants are everywhere and almost exclusively cater to tourists in the area. Pizza and pasta options are ubiquitous, as are seafood restaurants that offer freshly caught shrimp, crab, and fish. Florida's Seafood Bar & Grill is one popular option which offers a large variety of freshly caught seafood prepared any number of ways. For Cuban food head to Roberto's Little Havana on N. Orlando Avenue. The food is good and reasonably priced. Other international options available around town include Mexican and Japanese.

The best way to travel to Cocoa Beach, and really the only way, is by car. You'll want to have a vehicle with you after you arrive as well. Parts of the touristy areas are pedestrian friendly, but you will be very confined to specific areas if you don't have your own car. There is a bus system, Space Coast Area Transit, which is cheap and reasonable, but not the ideal way to spend most of your vacation. Bikes are an option as well, as there are some bike lanes, but do watch out for traffic, particularly during rush hour.


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We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works.

1 Categories averaged on a per-item basis.
2 Categories averaged on a per-day basis.
For example, the Food2 daily average is for all meals for an entire day, while Entertainment1 is for each individual purchase. Thus, the overall daily average cost is not a summation of the individual categories.